marți, martie 14, 2006

Azi, doua luni

Am incercat sa pun o poza, dar refuza. Cu incapatanare, as putea spune. Asa ca sunt nevoita din nou sa vobesc. De povestit, nu am multe de povestit, pentru ca in afara de greva care continua, chestii interesante se intampla mai ales in unele dintre "cartile mele de noapte", pentru ca ziua e foarte frumos si e bine de plimbat. Si de mers la festivalul irlandez, cum spuneam si aseara, unde am gasit locuri la film, desigur.
Dar azi sunt doua luni de cand am plecat. Nu de cand am ajuns, deci nu pot spune ca sunt doua luni de cand sunt aici. Hm, la urma urmei pot spune orice, nu? Adevarul stiintific nu intereseaza probabil pe nimeni :D. Dar, in timp ce ma uitam la calendar si realizam acest lucru, mi-a venit foarte repede in minte dimineata plecarii, persoanele care au fost de fata, frigul si poleiul, cum ma tot necajea Mircea... Nu stiu daca era intentia lui sa ma ajute sa ma simt mai bine, sau a fost doar instinctul :)) Pana la urma, cred ca nu si-a dorit sa ma emotionez, sau sa se emotioneze... sau sa ne emotionam cu totii, desi pentru unii era chiar imposibil, ca sa zic asa. Hm, emotiile par sa stea foarte departe de ei ;)
Cred ca starea de spirit de ieri s-a cam dus.. si nu cred ca are rost sa incerc sa o resuscitez. Pana la urma, de multumit sper ca le-am multumit pentru ca au fost acolo, iar daca nu am facut-o, sper ca stiu ca intentionam. Cineva spunea la un moment dat ca e mai bine sa pleci nevazut, neauzit... Ai putea cred in acest caz sa-i rogi pe Counting Crows sa te ajute:

Have you seen me lately?

Get away from me
this isn't gonna be easy
but I don't need you
believe me
you got a piece of me
but it's just a little piece of me
and I don't need anyone
and these days I feel like I'm fading away
like sometimes when I hear myself on the radio

Have you seen me lately?

I was out on the radio starting to change
somewhere out in America
it's starting to rain
could you tell me the things you remember about me
and have you seen me lately?

I remember me
and all the little things
that make up a memory
like she said she loved to watch me sleep
like she said,
"it's the breathing
it's the breathing in and out and in and..."

Have you seen me lately?

I was out on the radio starting to change
somewhere out in America it's starting to rain
could you tell me the things you remember about me
and have you seen me lately?

I guess I thought that someone would notice
I guess I thought somebody would say something
if I was missing
can't you see me?
come on color me in
come on color me in
give me your blue rain
give me your black sky
give me your green eyes
come on give me your white skin
come on give me your white skin
come on give me your white skin

I was out on the radio starting to change
somewhere out in America
it's starting to rain
could you tell me the things you remember about me
and have you seen me lately?

Chiar imi place cantecul asta si, cu toate ca intentionam sa pun doar cateva versuri: "I guess I thought that someone would notice/ I guess I thought somebody would say something/ If I was missing" pana la urma a intrat tot. Asta e :D... Mda, it's gone. Ramane asa, thanks... Sunteti adevarate comori (ca sa nu mai zic si de intelepciune).

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